Karmar Sakura is located right on the eastern side of Basın Express Highway. And it is being built on a land measuring 23.736 m2 in total. There are both residential and commercial units available. Within the compound there are 4 buildings rising , and going up to 13-14 stories. Units are rangingfrom 2+1 up to 4+1 with large living spaces ,floor heating and balconies. Karmar Sakura is also proud of having a project designed in accordance with the principles of Green Building.In Karmar Sakura, the gardens are irrigated by storing and reusing rainwater. The drain water in the sinks isstored in a certain area and serves as a recycling to be used in the toilet bowls-Only Family Concepted Project with Large Size Apartments-Low Maintenance Fee’s Because of Green Building Concept-High Return of Investment because of Basın Express Highway Value-Only 25 minutes to Istanbul Airport with the new Metro LineBasın Express Area Guide :Basın Express area occupies a valuable position among the best business centers of Istanbul European side.