Exclusively Located Home within Walking Distance of the Sea in Girne North Cyprus
Home is located in the Karaoğlanoğlu area in Girne. Girne American University is also located in this area. Karaoğlanoğlu is mostly preferred by students. There are all amenities available. In Karaoğlanoğlu, most of the buildings have two or three floors.
Home for sale in Girne Cyprus is 450 m from Girne highway, 600 m from transportation road, 1 km from Karaoğlanoğlu beach and Girne American College, 1,5 km from Girne American University, 2 km from Kervansaray beach, 3 km from Alsancak Nature Park, 3,5 km from Escape beach and Girne center, 7,5 km from Girne State Hospital, 8 km from the port of Girne, 45 km from Ercan Airport, and 84 km from Larnaca International Airport.
The project is consisting of three-story 5 semi-detached villas on 1.000 sqm of total land. There is a car park outside of the building and a hall at the entrance. Open-plan kitchen and living room have access to terrace and front garden.